Sunderland residents have a final opportunity to influence plans which will shape job creation, housing, transport and infrastructure in the city for years to come.
The latest stage of the Core Strategy and Development Plan for Sunderland to 2033 is a final consultation period which opens today (15th June).
City residents have until the end of July to have their say on the plan, before any final amendments are made and it is passed to central government for approval.
Over 5,000 people have already given their feedback on the strategy during various consultation events since last year, with all comments considered. Several changes have taken place as a result, including the removal of plans for a travellers’ stop over site and a reduction in annual housebuilding volumes.
The plan provides the framework for regeneration and development in Sunderland now and in the future and will pave the way for the creation of around 7,200 jobs in the city.
It will also enable over 13,000 new homes, including much-needed affordable and mid-sized family properties, to be built. Some 50,000 sq m of new retail development will also take place.
Crucially, however, 95 per cent of development enabled by the plan will be in existing urban areas or on brownfield sites, with minimal impact on greenbelt land.
The Sunderland Local Plan sets out a cohesive, long-term strategy which brings together jobs and business, transport, housing, leisure and services. It will ensure the city’s growth is delivered in the right places and of the right quality to continue Sunderland’s transformation.
It sets the parameters for sustainable growth but does not give approval to specific projects, which will still need to go through official planning channels.
It prioritises the homes, jobs and infrastructure local people need and provides certainty and transparency about how the city will grow and attract new investment in future.
Although it maps out the city’s future until 2033, it will be reassessed every five years to ensure it continues to deliver optimal results for Sunderland.
Cllr Graeme Miller, leader of Sunderland City Council, said: “The Local Plan is being carefully designed to create an attractive, healthy, sustainable and prosperous city in which residents love to live and businesses can flourish. Residents’ feedback has been vital in fine-tuning the details of the plan to date, and we urge anyone with further feedback to get involved in the final consultation process.
“The plan will have a massive positive impact on the city and people who live and work here. It is certainly ambitious but is also achievable and will ensure the city’s reputation as an attractive, sustainable place to live continues to grow.”
All local authorities have a statutory duty to prepare a Local Plan which, once adopted, will be the starting point for determining planning applications.
Residents wishing to get involved in the final consultation period are required to complete a form, available You will need to register to make a representation. If you have already registered during a previous consultation simply enter your username and password.
If you prefer, you can download the representation form and guidance note from the Council website or you can pick up copies from Sunderland Civic Centre Reception.
All feedback should be returned by 5pm on 27 July 2018.