Investment plans for more jobs and growth are before Sunderland City Council’s Cabinet when it meets next week (Wednesday 13 February).
A report on the four year capital spending programme outlines how £158m is earmarked for new projects, and there is £219m for existing investment plans.
It includes a council contribution of £41m over the next four years to a new Civic Centre and Public Sector Hub development at the Vaux site.
With Government grants and other external funding, other major projects for 2019/2023 include:
* £61m on more development at the International Advanced Manufacturing Facility(IAMP) to help create more than 7,000 jobs and attract more than £400m of private sector investment
* £55m on Phase 3 of the Sunderland Strategic Transport Corridor (SSTC 3), the dual carriageway into the city centre from the south of the Northern Spire (SSTC 2)
* £10m on Coastal Defence works.
Plus, also over the next four years, £4.9m for a new Willow Fields Primary School, a £21m update with external funding of Sunderland Museum, Winter Gardens and Central Library, £15m on highways and bridge maintenance, and £3.9m on new vehicles, plant and equipment.
Councillor Paul Stewart, the Cabinet Secretary, said: “As with any organisation or individual, this council has also to keep investing in and updating our city’s infrastructure, our facilities and plant and machinery.
“Investment helps up grow our economy, promotes our city, makes us more resilient, and more attractive for residents, visitors and investors.”
The council’s capital spending is funded by Government and other external grants, prudential borrowing, money raised from receipts, such as land sales; and from its reserves.
Other proposed investments for 2019/2023 include:
* £2m at the Port of Sunderland
* £3.5m investment in Roker Park
* £3m on redevelopment of the Parsons and Jack Crawford depots, including electric vehicle infrastructure
* £0.75m Hillthorn lorry park
* £1m on re-building Panns East Quay
* £0.4m of riverside investment
* £4.5m day centre updates
* £5.5m empty homes and neighbourhood renewal
* £2.3m homeless accommodation
* £0.080m improving children’s homes.
Cllr Stewart added: “Investment creates opportunities that help our city with extra council tax, new homes for workers, business rates, and land sale receipts, and these all contribute to the council and our city in the long-term.
“This includes helping city centre regeneration and unlocking more of the potential in the Vaux site with a new Civic Centre and Public Sector Hub development. All the council’s investments are in line with our City Plan for creating a more dynamic, vibrant and healthy Sunderland.”
The report to Cabinet outlines the Capital Strategy and the City Plan. It states:
“Sunderland will be a dynamic city. This includes more and better jobs, an improved housing offer, improvements to the city centre and a focus on low carbon and digital connectivity.
“Sunderland will be a healthy city. This includes a focus on ensuring that everyone has access to opportunities and life chances to live healthier, longer, independent lives. There will be a focus on a more attractive city and neighbourhoods with better transport networks.
“Sunderland will be a vibrant city. This includes more creative and cultural businesses, more visitors to Sunderland and more residents participating in their communities and cultural events. We want residents to feel happy in the neighbourhoods where they live and feel safe.”
Sunderland City Council’s Cabinet meets from 2pm at Sunderland Civic Centre in Committee Room One. The final budget meeting in Wednesday 6 March.