A nursing team has been recognised for helping a patient continue to live independently at home thanks to the care they received.

The Community Integrated Team, which is based at Grindon Primary Care Centre in Sunderland, has won a Star Award from its local Healthwatch.

Healthwatch is an independent champion for people who use health and social care across the city.

It helps make sure services put people first and offers a voice to help address worries and concerns.

The patient shared a nomination which said: “The district nurses that come to see me every day to help with my medication are great. They are so patient with me and so lovely.

“If it wasn’t for them coming in to see me every day I would have had to stay in the care home I went to after hospital.”

Catherine Wharton, Clinical Team Manager, said: “We were surprised but delighted to be nominated for this award.

“We are always so grateful to get positive feedback from patients. The last couple of years have been challenging for the team so this is really welcome recognition.

“I’d like to give a special mention to Lesa Percival, the District Nursing Sister for this patient, and those she works with for the excellent care they have given.”

Healthwatch’s Project Lead, Tara Mackings, said: “Presenting one of our Star Awards is always one of the best part of our jobs here at Healthwatch Sunderland.

“We regularly receive positive feedback about the district nurses working across Sunderland.

“We were delighted to receive the nomination from a patient for the Community Integrated Team West 2.

“Congratulations to you all and on behalf of your patients, thank you.”

Anyone can put forward a healthcare worker or team forward for one of the awards.

More details about the Healthwatch Sunderland scheme can click here.